From the time written records began to be kept nearly
4,000 years ago in Egypt, although the real origins probably go back millennia earlier and are lost in the mists of time, humans have wanted to know the future. Down to the present day, cultures all over the world have actively sought such information. Edgar Cayce is the very personifcation of this. We know from those early records that this quest traces back to the oracles of Greece, Dodona, Trophonius, Erythaea, Cumæ, and the best known one, Delphi.

All of these efforts have relied on one thing, the nonlocal nature of consciousness:
that aspect of consciousness not limited by time and space.

At the Greek oracles, cadres of girls chosen in a ritual were taken from their families
and raised and taught to attain and sustain intentioned, focused awareness through
techniques like meditation, because intentioned focus is the key to opening to nonlocal
consciousness. Once trained they were known as the Pythia.

The Egyptians had another variation of this, the Oracle of Amun, located deep in the
desert near the Egyptian-Libyan border in a remote oasis. As at […]

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