As President Donald Trump triumphantly returned to the White House thanks in part to a tsunami of campaign cash from oligarchs and corporate interests, democracy defenders on Tuesday marked the 15th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that unleashed such spending by urging action to overturn the decision.
In a nation where corporations and moneyed interests already wielded disproportionate power and influence over elections, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commissionreversed campaign finance restrictions dating back to the era of Gilded Age robber barons. The ruling affirmed that political spending by corporations, nonprofit organizations, labor unions, and other groups is a form of free speech protected by the 1st Amendment that government cannot restrict. The decision ushered in the era of super PACs—which can raise unlimited amounts of money to spend on campaigns—and secret spending on elections with so-called “dark money.”
In his Citizens Uniteddissent, Justice John Paul Stevens asserted that “in a functioning democracy the public must have faith that its representatives owe their positions to the people, not to the corporations with the deepest pockets,” […]
Ending Citizens United would be the most democratic act in 50 years!!! But that’s not going to happen until people wake up and vote in Dems who actually believe in the Constitution! Otherwise, we have these sycophants and scaredy cats afraid to go against him. To their own peril!!!!!