A major part of the Great Schism Trend I have been reporting on for years, which both politicians and media largely ignore is politicians not physicians making healthcare laws, and legalizing the government’s — read men’s — control over women’s bodies. Nowhere is that made clearer than in Texas where, as this article describes they are now finding dead abandoned babies in dumpsters and ditches. The Republican argument that they are “pro-life” is a lie, of that there can be no doubt. If they were remotely pro-life the Republicans would be funding pre-natal care, support for pregnant women who want to put their child up for adoption, and child care for the young. They do not in fact, as this article details do any of that. There is no other developed democracy in the world that has the devastatingly poor social outcome data one sees in the United States.
Christofascist Republican Governor of Texas Greg Abbott Credit: Salon / Getty
Only the biggest liars in the anti-choice movement — and to be fair, there’s stiff competition for that award — would deny that the state’s abortion ban is the main cause of the sharp increase in dead, abandoned babies. The Washington Post also notes that Republicans have repeatedly cut funding for prenatal care and family planning services. In addition, draconian approaches to illegal immigration have led to undocumented women avoiding medical care, for fear […]
Again, let’s be real. If Republicans were truly pro-life, pre-natal care is a small part as well as pregnancy care. That’s about 6 months long! What is definite about Republicans because against pro-life is the fact that they squash any bills for child care, school lunches, health care, education,—-the list goes on and on. This party cares NOTHING for pro-life of the American people—-just keep expenses down, let ultra-rich and wealthy corporations get richer by lowering their taxes and the heck with the rest of us!!!!
Again, let’s be real. If Republicans were truly pro-life, pre-natal care is a small part as well as pregnancy care. That’s about 6 months long! What is definite about Republicans because against pro-life is the fact that they squash any bills for child care, school lunches, health care, education,—-the list goes on and on. This party cares NOTHING for pro-life of the American people—-just keep expenses down, let ultra-rich and wealthy corporations get richer by lowering their taxes and the heck with the rest of us!!!!