The House Ethics Committee revealed its report on former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Monday — with its authors complaining that Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice stopped it from carrying out a more through investigation.
In its report, which alleged that Gaetz paid an underage girl for sex, among other claims, the Ethics Committee asserts: “The Committee was not able to speak with every woman who received payments from Representative Gaetz that were suspected of being part of illicit activity. Several women initially were responsive to the Committee’s outreach but later told the Committee they would not voluntarily participate. Other women were clear at first contact that they feared retaliation or were unwilling to voluntarily relive their interactions with Representative Gaetz.”
“Due to the women’s reluctance to cooperate, as well as the delay caused by DOJ’s deferral request and subsequent refusal to provide meaningful cooperation, the Committee was unable to determine the full extent to which Representative Gaetz’s payments to women were compensation for engaging in sexual activity with him,” the committee report continued.
The committee said that the information they […]
When Merrick Garland was being considered for a federal judgeship, he received 100 votes! He was perfect as a federal judge and never belonged in an administrative position like Attorney General. But Biden was trying to make up for evil McConnell’s actions to prevent his confirmation as a Supreme Court justice. McConnell, in his conniving, probably illegal way, prevented Garland from even being considered and used the poor excuse that it was too close to an election—11 months before it!!! And then came Comey Barrett, about two weeks before an election and was promptly chosen as a justice of SCOTUS! McConnell was evil and has no love for this country—only his precious GOP!!! Garland would have been perfect as a justice and never belonged in the Department of Justice. Too bad, because he was wrongly placed there, but Biden was just trying to assuage what had happened to him in Obama’s Administration. It’s such a shame that this country is overly political and not overly American-loving!!! Democracy-loving as well. Shame on them!
In this venue I have previously accused Merrick Garland of gross incompetence. I was wrong in that assessment, and apologize. What I now believe, given the evidence, is that Mr. Garland is doing his job, and is doing it well. I believe what the evidence will show is that what we have been seeing in his work as Attorney General is the very reason that Obama tapped him for the Supreme Court. I acknowledge that I did not want to see the trend. That I didn’t want to believe what the evidence has been showing, but I am forced to acknowledge the reality. The Reality is this: There are a group of individuals in the United States, connected to power and money who are just above the law. They cannot, and will not be prosecuted. If they are prosecuted, they will not be held to account. We can name some of them for certain: Donald Trump, Hunter Biden, Matt Goetz…..etc. How far down the chain immunity extends we do not know. But we can be sure Merrick Garland doing his job – insulating the powerful and the connected from accountability. I am certain from Obama’s perspective he would have continued that process on the Supreme Court and would have been a fine Justice. Mr. Garland, you have my deep and sincere apology. You are competent indeed.