The killing of UnitedHealthcare executive Brian Thompson sent shockwaves through the medical community, Wall Street, and social media. The motive behind the killing appears to be obvious: the bullets were reportedly inscribed with the words “deny,” “defend,” and “depose,” phrases that refer to insurers’ common practices of denying care, defending their positions in court, and deposing those who challenge them.
Some social media commentators embraced the murderer’s rallying cry. I was sickened by those comments suggesting Thompson deserved his fate. Let me be clear: this killing was abominable. No one deserves to lose their life because of a business decision.
That said, many of the decisions insurers like UnitedHealthcare have made are, themselves, abominable. They do deserve our outrage. We can simultaneously be outraged at both Thompson’s killing and the immoral actions of insurance companies.
Take, for example, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s recent decision to limit payment for anesthesia serviceswindow. This policy would have limited payments based on CMS’ “physician work time values,” determination of how long a surgical case should take to perform. Such […]
I think it could be our “Arab Spring” moment remembering that the self-immolation of a street vendor in Tunisa set wheels in motion that did not come to a good end. Many people whatever their politics are angry about the illness profit industry that is complicated, expensive and arbitrary. UHC had pushed its claim rejections to more than 30% by some measures though they claim less. What is undeniable is their profits have grown year over year- UnitedHealth Group annual gross profit for 2023 was $90.958B, a 14.24% increase from 2022.
Then we have the assassin who is the anti-hero, as if it was a movie from Marvel Studios, striking against the evil overlords who have abused and oppressed the people. The star is an highly educated, intelligent, personable, young handsome man from an influential wealthy family who has betrayed his class. He has suffered physical damages from his treatment by the industry. Perhaps the intense physical pain and debilitation at such a young age has affected him psychologically and maybe he has met others in much worse circumstances that changed his perspective. It will be a very interesting trial as we get to know him and understand how someone on a path to a secure well compensate future could throw it all away.
Let me say, if it needs to be said, I don’t believe in murder for any reason but this company that profited greatly could murder at a keystroke while Luigi had to do it the old fashion way. The establishment is rattled, and they are giving him the royal treatment. Lots of video surrounded by police in riot gear, flown into NYC by an expensive helicopter ride from PA, charged with terrorism as well as murder-they intend to make a very prominent example of him. Ask yourself when was the last time was an accused murder of even multiple victims was given so much publicity? Maybe the uber rich are fearful he might inspire something like the “Baader–Meinhof Gang” in long ago West Germany.