As Trump chooses another billionaire for a top post, leading ethics expert Noah Bookbinder explains why this is so unprecedented—and why the conditions are ripe for oligarchic corruption to flourish.
Greg Sargent: This is The Daily Blast from The New Republic, produced and presented by the DSR network. I’m your host, Greg Sargent.
Donald Trump’s administration is already shaping up to be a Murderer’s Row of Billionaires. By one count, he has already picked eight billionaires for positions in his government. We just learned that he has selected a ninth billionaire as deputy Defense secretary, and this one happens to enjoy, wait for it, lucrative contracts with the Pentagon. Trump, who is widely and uncritically described as an economic populist, is already stocking his government with ultra wealthy plutocrats. So how bad is the oligarchic corruption going to get and are there any safeguards left in our system? Today, […]