Ben Christenson was raised Anglican — church every Sunday, a religious school, and Christian camp every summer. But Christenson, 27 of Fairfax, Virginia, always found himself longing for a more traditional faith.
“The hard thing about growing up in my church is that there was a lot of change even in my lifetime,” he told The Post. “I realized that there really was no way to stop the change.”
He watched as traditions went by the wayside: The robed choir was swapped out for a worship band, lines were blurred on female ordination, and long-held stances on LGBT issues shifted.
“All of that stuff was basically fungible, which gave me a sense that the theological commitments are kind of fungible, too,” he said.
So Christenson began exploring other denominations in college and landed on perhaps the most traditional of all: Orthodox Christianity. In 2022, at the age of 25, he converted.
“It seems to me like the mainline denominations are hemorrhaging people,” he said. “If you still are serious about being a Christian now […]
The trend toward tradition and orthodoxy is multifaceted. The article does this trend a disservice by attempting to reduce it to a masculine/feminine dichotomy which distorts the complexity of what it occurring. Looking at just one aspect of this, for example, with climate change we would expect to see a paradoxical process whereby tradition will be more difficult to sustain due to disruptions in the lives of the population, along with a desire for tradition as it provides stability lacking the popular culture. This is one small aspect of much larger processes.
Take a look at: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://resources.finalsite.net/images/v1722890523/saintconstantineorg/wwfz57wzdrdkx7tj1xu1/ConvertstoOrthodoxy.pdf
the abrahammic religions are patriarchic.They support the strict father of the republican party: https://constable.blog/2024/07/12/terugkeer-van-de-moedergodin/