I have been alive long enough to see presidents shot dead in the street, civil rights leaders gunned down in their hotel rooms and horrible, horrible wars started on the wretched basis of disgusting lies. But of all the things I have seen in my long life, nothing compares to Wednesday, January 6th, 2021.
On that day … a terrible, singular day that is burned into our hearts and minds, an evil, broken sociopath who had been voted out of power by the citizens of the United States of America did everything he could to hold onto that power and set the match that led to the most gruesome internal attack on this country since the Civil War.
And when that attack was at full boil, the entire world watching with horror, the President of the United States, the son of a b—- who triggered it, did nothing to stop it for more than three hours.
Instead, he hoped that it would prevail.
Even the monster’s ghastly family begged him to call off his rabid dogs, […]
Why is it that in all of the articles I read about the incompetence of Merrick Garland no one sees fit to point out that Barack Obama thought this man competent to sit on the Supreme Court? It tells you all you need to know about the facade that passes for governance here in the United States. We have not had a functioning justice system in this country for decades. If we had a functioning justice system Trump would have been jailed or bankrupted years ago, the bankers who perpetrated the 2008 crash would have been jailed, Bush and Chaney would have been jailed for the “weapons of mass destruction” scam that cost the lives of hundreds of thousands. Instead the government shreds the constitution by monitoring our phone calls without warrant, assassinating citizens overseas without charge or trial, supports genocide, and plays a game of chicken risking nuclear war in Europe. The government would prefer policing citizens selling loose cigarettes to the poor than tackling corruption – Hence corruption flourishes. When you wonder why the common citizen has lost respect for authority, look to this article and the issues I have raised above. It is the structure of the uniparty which permits these atrocities. Think outside the box.
Merrick Garland was a JUDGE who was denied a seat on the Supreme Court because of McConnell and it’s McConnel who should never be forgiven. He put politics over country! Garland was selected as a Federal judge with 100 votes! He was excellent and would have been a topnotch Supreme Court justice. When he was denied a hearing, Biden felt bad for him and to make up for that (wrongly) he picked him as the attorney general. He, Garland, was not cut out for that. He was the consummate judge and it is such a shame that he leaves the judicial department in shame. Blame Biden for appointing him OR Biden could have appointed him during a recess!!!!
Merrick Garland should be remembered as an outstanding judge and it is a shame that he was not up to being the attorney general.
Terri, I do not believe that the issue has to do with skill set. Having been a law school administrator and worked with the court system for many years a good judge should have mastered the skill sets necessary to engage in both prosecution and defense. Granted, not all practitioners are equally talented, but Supreme Court nominees are supposed to be the best and brightest. ( That’s a fantasy, I know.)
My issue has to do with the logic and decision making behind the decisions Garland has made. This is not just one blip, it is a pattern of the degradation of the justice system going back decades where you have a multi-tiered system based on wealth and access. In Garland’s case the issues were so in our faces that they could not be ignored. If we are serious about establishing a democratic system, implementing equality before the law has to be a priority, or no one will trust the system. That’s where we are now, large swaths of the population don’t trust the system, nor should they. The government, the Republicrats, and elites have taught the populations some really bad lessons.