Credit: Paul Bersebach / MediaNews Group / Orange County Register / Getty
Sometimes, panics are overblown. Sometimes, older generations are just freaking out about the youngs, as they have since time immemorial.
That’s not the case, unfortunately, with kids’ learning right now, more than four years after the pandemic shuttered classrooms and disrupted the lives of millions of children. The effects were seen almost immediately, as students’ performance in reading and math began to dip far below pre-pandemic norms, worrying educators and families around the country.
Even now, according to a new report released this week by the Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE), a research group at Arizona State University that has studied the impact of Covid on education since 2020, the average American student is “less than halfway to a full academic recovery” from the effects of the pandemic.
The report — the group’s third annual analysis of the “state of the […]
You are so right about America’s children’s low grades in reading, math, nearly every subject in school. Yes, the pandemic absolutely played a part. But my real observation is that when the GOP began to take over state legislatures, a major plan by a group of Republican wealthy leaders, schools began to receive less money for operations. They don’t like funding lunches or breakfast, that’s for sure. They don’t upgrade and purchase the best textbooks, and even now, many schools only have a class set of a given school book and students can’t take them home to read or study from!!!! I experienced this when I was a teacher back in the 80’s!!!! So I blame Republicans and their miserly will to properly fund education throughout this country. So many adults only have about a 6th grade reading ability. What does that say about our country? It is such a shame, but until Americans wake up and continue to vote in Democrats, this policy will continue to our worse case scenario.