Chair of the Faith and Freedom Coalition Ralph Reed pats Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump on the shoulder at the Faith and Freedom Road to Majority conference on June 24, 2023. Credit: Drew Angerer / Getty

A prominent evangelical advocacy organization plans to significantly ramp up political spending in the 2024 election with one goal in mind: returning Donald Trump to the White House

Faith & Freedom, a conservative-leaning organization, intends to spend $62 million registering and turning out evangelical voters, texting and calling supporters, and door-knocking — $10 million more than it spent four years ago. The group is expected to, among other things, hand out 30 million pieces of literature in 125,000 churches — many of them in battleground states.

“In terms of home visits and voters reached at the door, to my knowledge it’s the largest effort on the right outside of the Republican National Committee ever,” Ralph Reed, a longtime Republican strategist and Trump ally who oversees the organization, said of the direct voter contact enterprise.

The investment underscores the degree to which the white evangelical community has allied itself with Trump, even as he faces a […]

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