Nikki Haley discussed Donald Trump purposefully butchering her given first name during her appearance on “The Breakfast Club.” Credit: Nick Ciofalo

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley defended the rights of states to secede from the country if they chose to do so, though stressed it was unlikely to happen.

In an interview with the influential hip hop morning show The Breakfast Club that aired on Wednesday, the former U.N. Ambassador made the case that the Constitution allows for secession — a declaration that is, at best, hotly debated by legal scholars but also previously rejected by the Supreme Court. She framed the concept as a logical end point for politicians who believe in state’s rights.

They can do that. But I don’t think that — if that whole state says we don’t want to be part of America anymore. I mean, that’s their decision to make.”

Haley is not the first politician to embrace the right — or concept— of secession. Then Texas Gov. Rick Perry jokingly suggested that Texas would […]

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