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The climate crisis is the most serious challenge facing our globe, and it is natural to do some doom-scrolling about how we are failing to make the necessary changes fast enough to avoid catastrophe. But as climate scientist Michael E. Mann argues, concentrating on the negative actually promotes apathy and helps Big Oil. The fact is that tremendous strides are being made in green energy, which have the potential to change the face of the earth and to forestall the worst consequences of climate change. Today let me just review some of the good news items that came across my feed, provoking me to look into the reports on which they are based.

1. The Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air reports that the European Union’s carbon dioxide emissions fell 8% in 2023, to a level not seen since John F. Kennedy told people that he was a Berliner in 1963.

The bulk of the decline — 56% — was driven by wind, water, solar and nuclear, all low-carbon sources of energy. It […]

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