Abortion rights activists march to the U.S. Supreme Court, June 24, 2023, in Washington, D.C.
Credit: Sha Hanting / China News Service / Getty 

Abortion rights are shaping up as a powerful motivator for young people as they decide their 2024 votes –and even where they choose to live – according to a new poll, suggesting that the issue remains politically potent a year and a half after the Supreme Court reversed the guaranteed right to an abortion.

The survey by Harvard University’s Institute of Politics found that 18- to 29-year-olds were twice as likely to describe themselves as “pro-choice” than as “pro-life.” And even as the poll showed a drop in the percentage of young people who plan to vote in the 2024 elections, well over half of registered young voters say they will “definitely” vote next year if an abortion-related referendum is on their state ballot.

And in a dramatic indication of the importance of the issue to the life choices of young people, the poll found that 69% of women aged 18-29 and 55% […]

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