Even low levels of lead exposure are toxic to brain cells and nerves and can lead to lower IQ scores and cognitive deficits.
Credit: Busà Photography / Moment RF / Getty

In August, the US Food and Drug Administration greenlit a new maker of an old drug used for the most severe cases of lead poisoning, ending a shortage and stopping the need for importation of the medicine from France.

The only problem: The new version costs almost 10 times as much as the imported version, about $32,000 per course of treatment.

“What we run up against with this pricing is that the hospitals are just not able to stock this drug,” said Dr. Diane Calello, executive and medical director of the New Jersey Poison Control Center.

And though it’s rare these days for a child in the US to have blood lead levels that are high enough to require this medicine, called calcium disodium edetate or EDTA, it does happen, she said; at that stage, they could have seizures, coma […]

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