Credit: Roan Lavery, Unsplash

Concerns about certain crimes are at their highest levels in decades, causing Americans to isolate themselves from their communities, according to new polling.

The spike in fear comes as violent crime has decreased nationwide, while property crime has ticked up, according to the FBI.

Fear of certain crimes spiking

A recent Gallup poll found that 28% of Americans worry frequently or occasionally that they will be murdered, according to a Nov. 16 news release. That’s a near-record high.

The Gallup poll surveyed 1,009 adults between Oct. 2 and Oct. 23, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Meanwhile, half of U.S. adults said they worry their car will be stolen or broken into, 37% worry they’ll be mugged and 32% are concerned about getting attacked while driving — near-record highs.

Additionally, the vast majority of Americans, 72%, worry they will fall victim to identity theft, according to the poll.

This heightened apprehension has had a detrimental effect on the daily […]

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