One of the few foreign correspondents to be granted personal access to Adolph Hitler and his inner circle in the dark winter of 1933 was Welsh journalist Garreth Jones. Assigned by his home paper, the Western Mail, to cover Hitler’s push to absolute power, Jones accompanied the newly appointed chancellor and his entourage to Frankfurt for a massive political rally that was held on March 2 of 1933.
Jones’ eyewitness account of the event is bone-chilling because it looks so much like what we are seeing today at Trump rallies.
“For eight hours, the biggest hall in Germany has been packed with 25,000 people for whom Hitler is the savior of his nation,” Jones began his story. “They are waiting, tense with national fervor…I have never seen such a mass of people; such a display of flags up to the top of the high roof, such deafening roars. It is primitive, mass worship.”
Then Hitler took the stage to a “roar of applause […]
The primary selling points of fascism are to shield the working class from the excesses of capitalism. These excesses are often blamed upon foreigners, and external factors, which is only partly true. The groundwork for Fascism is laid by a bankrupt liberal establishment who does not defend the working class from systemic predation. This can be seen clearly through the rise of Bill Clinton and his alliance with corporate America, along with programs such as “ending welfare as we know it”, NAFTA, and other travisties. Bipartisan programs all. If Trump wins, the Democrats will only have themselves to blame, because it is they who have abandoned the workers.
Have you not noticed what Biden has done for union workers, and what has been achieved? Are you not looking at Biden’s efforts to eliminate student debt? Are you unaware of what Biden has been trying to do to help children get enough to eat? Fascism is a system to turn the middle class into peasants.