The fullest accounting yet shows how Thomas has secretly reaped the benefits from a network of wealthy and well-connected patrons that is far more extensive than previously understood.
During his three decades on the Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas has enjoyed steady access to a lifestyle most Americans can only imagine. A cadre of industry titans and ultrawealthy executives have treated him to far-flung vacations aboard their yachts, ushered him into the premium suites at sporting events and sent their private jets to fetch him — including, on more than one occasion, an entire 737. It’s a stream of luxury that is both more extensive and from a wider circle than has been previously understood.
Like clockwork, Thomas’ leisure activities have been underwritten by benefactors who share the ideology that drives his jurisprudence. Their gifts include:
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At least 38 destination vacations, including a previously unreported voyage on a yacht around the Bahamas; 26 private jet flights, plus an […]
In a functioning Republic, of course, there would be consequences for this behavior. But we don’t live in a functioning Republic. In a functioning Republic, you would expect major candidates for public office to make this type of corruption a central pillar in the campaign. Is that happening? I wait to see Joseph Biden excoriate the corruption in the system. Not just against specific Supreme Court Justices, although that would be a start, but against corruption as endemic in the system as a whole. We live in interesting times.
I agree, Albus, and would add that there are NO ETHICS in the Supreme Court, and that should addressed and changed.