Dr Kylie Cooper at her new home in Minnesota after leaving her job as an OB-GYN in Idaho this year. ‘Not being able to do your job … it just breaks my heart.’ Credit: Abbie Parr / AP

Most mornings Dr Stacy Seyb is awake by 6am. He begins his day with meetings before a packed schedule seeing 18-20 patients going through high-risk pregnancies in Boise, Idaho. He has had a long career of treating people with all sorts of obstetrical complications so he’s used to stress. But it’s never been like this.

Now that federal protections for abortion have been gone for more than a year and Idaho is approaching the anniversary of its near-total abortion ban, the state has seen an exodus of OB-GYNs and other medical providers, leaving Seyb as one of the last remaining maternal-fetal medicine physicians in his state.

He estimates his patient load has already increased 20-30% since last year, and there’s a constant fear gnawing at him and his colleagues.

After growing up along Kansas’s border with Colorado, Seyb knew he wanted to […]

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