Victoria Varela embraces her son Darwin in an ambulance on July 18, 2023, in Eagle Pass, Texas.
Credit: Brandon Bell / Getty

Human rights advocates called for federal intervention Monday after it was reported that state troopers assigned to Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s border militarization initiative have been ordered to push migrant children back into the Rio Grande and to deny water to asylum-seekers amid a life-threatening heatwave.

The exclusive reporting by Benjamin Wermund of the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express-News is based on a July 3 email in which an unnamed Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) officer “discloses several previously unreported incidents” they witnessed in Eagle Pass, where Abbott “has strung miles of razor wire and deployed a wall of buoys in the Rio Grande.”

As the outlets — both owned by Hearst Newspapers — reported:1

According to the email, a pregnant woman having a miscarriage was found late last month caught in the wire, doubled over in pain. A four-year-old girl passed out from heat exhaustion after she tried to go through it and was pushed back by Texas National […]

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