In November, 2007, the junior senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, appeared on ABC News for one of those soft-focus get-to-know-the-candidate segments. Obama admitted that, after he was at Harvard Law School for a while and felt “comfortable” among his hyper-ambitious classmates, he allowed himself to think that maybe he’d run for President someday. “Did you think to yourself, Barack, what kind of hubris is this?” the broadcaster Charlie Gibson said.
“I think if you don’t have enough self-awareness to see the element of megalomania involved in thinking you can be President, then you probably shouldn’t be President,” Obama said. “There’s a slight madness to thinking that you should be the leader of the free world.”
I was thinking about that moment last week, after finishing a long interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., for The New Yorker Radio Hour. Kennedy is running for President as a Democrat. He is polling between eight and twenty-one per cent.
If there is a madness, slight or otherwise, in Kennedy’s bid, […]
You haven’t done your homework. You should be ashamed promoting this piece without looking into the issues more closely. “anti-science”? RFK spent years as an environmental lawyer cleaning up the Hudson river waterway of pollutants. He got dragged into the vaccine debate because mother’s of autistic children kept pleading with him to take on the issue.
Please take the time to purchase a copy of “Thimerosal, Let the science speak”, edited by RFK. It is well written and footnoted. it is 443 pages long. It speaks about the dosage level that maybe causing problems. All – Yes ALL of RFK’s children were vaccinated.
The 2022 vaccine schedule has 50 shots in it for kids 0 to 18. Some of the shots still contain Thimerosal.
Two suggestions:
1) See if you can interview RFK yourself. Give him a chance to answer your concerns.Isn’t that the fair thing to do? You are constantly talking about principles.
2) Ask The New Yorker to write a piece on your remote viewing work. Let’s see if they handle the topic fairly.
What a wonderfully insulting interview. Keep them going, and Kennedy’s support will only increase.