Staggering declines in bird populations are taking place around the world, mainly due to the loss and degradation of natural habitats and direct overexploitation of many species.

  • The authors reviewed changes in avian biodiversity using data from the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s “Red List” to reveal population changes among the globe’s 11 000 bird species.
  • Despite their findings, study authors say there is hope for avian conservation efforts, but transformative change is needed.

This study presents an overview of the global spatiotemporal distribution of avian biodiversity, changes in our knowledge of that biodiversity, and the extent to which it is imperiled. It summarizes the threats driving changes in bird species richness and abundance, highlighting the increasingly synergistic interactions between threats such as habitat loss, climate change, and overexploitation.1

Many metrics of avian biodiversity are exhibiting globally consistent negative trends, with the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List Index showing a steady deterioration in the conservation status of the global avifauna over the past three decades.

“We are now witnessing the first signs of a new wave of […]

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