• Support for specific climate change policies ranges from 59% to 89%
  • Bare majorities prioritize environment over economic concerns
  • Republicans favor several climate change policies

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Americans widely favor each of six proposals designed to limit greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Support ranges from 59% in favor of spending federal money for building more electric vehicle charging stations in the U.S. up to 89% for providing tax credits to Americans who install clean energy systems in their homes.

Gallup’s annual environment poll gauged public support for six proposals that have been advanced as part of the climate change policy agenda. Americans are most supportive of tax credits or tax incentives designed to promote the use of clean energy. They are less supportive of stricter government standards or limits on emissions and policies that promote the use of electric vehicles.

President Joe Biden made climate change policies a major part of the roughly $2 trillion social spending bill he proposed last year. The bill stalled in the Senate due to concerns about the effect on the budget deficit […]

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