NEW YORK, NEW YORK — The pandemic has been a wake-up call for America’s job market.After decades of relying on low-paying services jobs that come with few benefits, the coronavirus has made clear the nation needs to take care of its workers.

Hazard pay, paid sick leave, remote working options have all became hotly debated topics during the first wave of the pandemic. Companies like Amazon (AMZN), which also owns Whole Foods, grocery store chains Kroger (KR) or Albertsons temporarily provided hazard pay for their workers, for example.

Nearly two years into the outbreak in the United States, the conversation has shifted to a labor shortage — businesses just can’t find enough workers. Meanwhile, lawmakers and economists are trying to figure out what’s still keeping people on the sidelines.

It’s a complicated puzzle that includes pieces like child care and early retirement, but one lesson from the pandemic is that workers have had it with bad jobs.

A shock to the system

Covid […]

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