Following years of warnings and mounting fears among scientists, “terrifying” research revealed Wednesday that climate change and deforestation have turned parts of the Amazon basin, a crucial “sink,” into a source of planet-heating carbon dioxide.
Though recent research has elevated concerns about the Amazon putting more CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than it absorbs, the new findings, published in the journal Nature, were presented as a “first” by scientists and climate reporters.
From 2010 to 2018, researchers for the new study—led by Luciana Gatti of Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research—conducted “vertical profiling measurements” of carbon dioxide and monoxide a few miles above the tree canopy at four sites in Amazonia.
The researchers found that “Southeastern Amazonia, in particular, acts as a net carbon source” and “total carbon emissions are greater in eastern Amazonia than in the western part.” The former, they noted, has been “subjected to more deforestation, warming, and moisture stress” […]
I believe a huge number of people have noticed this. The trigger is Bolsonaro. Brazil is suffering from his regime in numerous ways. The only thing that might work is united global action. And it started long before he was elected. Much of the soy that’s consumed by healthy Soy food products which were cultivated on cleared land. Either consumers find other products that don’t use soy and at the same time, corporations need to be involved in carbon capture and planting trees in the area.. Unfortunately, both are long term endeavors. The UN seems to have very little influence in creating these alliances. And too many CEOs, corporations and billionaires have turned their backs. One wonders if we’ve reached a climate tipping point and if so, and many who have decided to party while the earth burns.
It is appalling that the countries would let their countries be destroyed by Capitalist Pigs.