Stephan: More than climate change, or the pandemic, or anything else, what concerns me the most is the fact that depending on how the 2022 election comes out America may, or may not, remain a democracy. We have a former political party that no longer is working to making our political system work as a democracy but instead seeks to turn the country into a fascist kleptocracy masquerading as a pseudo-democracy. What surprises me is that the Democratic Party leadership, and a number of its senators and representatives, do not really seem to grasp the true state of risk we are in.
People listen as former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a rally on July 3, 2021 in Sarasota, Florida. Co-sponsored by the Republican Party of Florida, the rally marks Trump’s further support of the MAGA agenda and accomplishments of his administration. Photo illustration by Salon/Eva Marie Uzcategui/Getty
Every so often, a right-wing pundit drops his guard a little and reveals to the world the incel-ish inclinations and bitterness toward women that undergirds so much conservative “intellectualism.” This week, it was Manhattan Institute fellow Eric Kaufmann, with a prolonged whine in the National Review about the massive social problem that desirable women apparently don’t desire Donald Trump voters. Kaufmann’s ostensible point was to warn about the dangers of “progressive authoritarianism” supposedly “infringing rights to equal treatment or free speech.” As many folks pointed out on Twitter, however, the evidence offered of such civil rights violations was centered around the low rates of “non-Trump-supporting students willing to date a Trump supporter,” the statistic that “87 percent of all female college students wouldn’t date a Trump supporter” and […]
“87% of all female college students would not date a Trump supporter” Music to the ears!!! This stat actually gives us faith and hope, in the practical judgment and common sense of our next generation women!
“87% of all female college students would not date a Trump supporter” Music to the ears!!! This stat actually gives us faith and hope, in the practical judgment and common sense of our next generation women!