White militia men Credit: Anthony Crider

Efforts to form militias are being hampered by the firearm ammo crisis gripping America.

“If you don’t own guns or particularly care about guns, you probably had no idea that the United States is currently in the throes of the Great Ammunition Shortage of 2021. But in the gun world, it’s all anyone can talk about,” Tess Owen reported for Vice News on Monday.

“A perfect storm of factors led to the national ammo drought, which is forecast to drag out for at least another year,” Owen explained. “Americans began buying guns at a record pace in 2020 after COVID-19 hit the U.S. Between March and September 2020, gun sales jumped by 91 percent over the same period the previous year. And the approximately 15.1 million new guns needed ammo. But there were manufacturing issues. International shipments of materials used in ammunition were delayed amid restrictions. Ammo and firearm manufacturers were required to temporarily halt operations in certain states where they weren’t deemed essential business.”Raw Story Podcast: […]

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