Credit: Christopher Furlong / Getty
In a first-of-its-kind study, NASA has managed to achieve something that has so far eluded scientists: provide direct, global observations that fossil fuel emissions are heating the planet.
There is already robust evidence that human activity is causing the climate crisis. This conclusion is supported by 97 percent of climate scientists, and has been established through direct observations of skyrocketing carbon dioxide levels and rising temperatures. However, the connection between greenhouse gas emissions and their climate effects remained theoretical, until now. NASA scientists have provided evidence through satellite observations that greenhouse gases are heating the Earth. “It’s direct evidence that human activities are causing changes to Earth’s energy budget,” Ryan Kramer, the study’s first author and a researcher at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, told CBS News.
The research, published in Geophysical Research Letters on March 25, used satellites to provide evidence of radiative forcing.
Essentially, this is the mechanism behind the greenhouse effect, CBS News explained. When sunlight enters Earth’s atmosphere, some […]
As an investigator of dreams and visions of the future, I find dozens, even hundreds, of predictions in recent years of great earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, asteroid strikes, tsunamis, mass famine, global war, etc.
But there are no dreams or visions of greenhouse disasters caused by burning coal, oil, or natural gas, even though these certainly cause global warming with all its harmful effects.
This dangerous accumulation of greenhouse gases may serve to alleviate the cooling effect of the increase in particulate matter in the air which will block the sun’s rays, if these dreams and visions are anywhere in the ball park. The severe cooling effect experienced during the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715) seems to have been caused by several volcanic eruptions, but this was before the Industrial Revolution so no greenhouse gases existed to reduce its intensity.
We can debate where all these dreams and visions originate from, but no one wants to go through another Maunder Minimum or similar downturn in global temperatures.
Too bad, really, as there are far too many folks who exist in their own dream and visionary world. America still has the largest grouping of flat E-air-th~errs of any country. One wonders what series of catastrophies it’ll take to get these deniers to open up to what’s goin’ down ’round the E-air-th, who still confuse weather with climate, alas.
“I have yet to meet in my life someone who allowed a fact to overwhelm a belief. Once you’ve adopted a belief, facts are not welcome because what they do is, they not only indict your belief but they indict the energy that you hold that says, “I have to believe what I’m told.”
The minute you try to engage with facts, all you do is trigger conflict. Dr. David Martin
Kenneth Heck — I am interested in your research because I am doing similar research. Contact my via email: saschwartz@earthlink.net