On the top, the uniform of a Nazis SS officer. On the bottom, the CPAC stage. Do you think this design happened by chance? Could it be any clearer if you have eyes to see?

Today, as I watched clips from the alt-right CPAC Trumper conference there was something about the image I was looking at that evoked an old memory. Something blatantly evil. I couldn’t identify it, but the more I watched the stronger the feeling became. I went looking for it and synchronistically within three searches I found it. As I looked at the image I had found I realized that CPAC had done this deliberately. It was a kind of hidden message, a visual dog whistle that would mean something only to people already a part of the CPAC world, and maybe a few people steeped in history. The Republican Party is now, openly for those who know, explicitly fascist, White Supremacist, and neo-Nazi.

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