Senate Majority Leader Republican Senator Mitch McConnell

In case anyone was in need of a reminder that President Donald Trump is far from being the sole source of corruption and depravity within the Republican Party, Senate Majority…

In case anyone was in need of a reminder that President Donald Trump is far from being the sole source of corruption and depravity within the Republican Party, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is happy to make that point clear as he denounces the Democratic Party efforts to secure voting rights.

McConnell is attacking the Democrats’ bill HR 1, which includes the following provisions:

  • Create an “Election Day” holiday to make it easier for voters to get to the polls
  • Launch an automatic voter registration database, requiring people to opt out rather than opt in
  • Force super PACs and political groups that rely on “dark money” to reveal their funders
  • Require social media platforms to reveal the sources of their political advertisements
  • Use government matching funds to enhance the power of individual donors’ contributions […]
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