Norway Becomes World’s First Country to Ban Deforestation

Stephan:  While the Trump administration is opening up our public lands to exploitation so that a few politically connected rich people can get richer, other countries are going in the another direction. Here, for instance, is what is happening in Norway.

Norway has become the first country to ban deforestation. The Norwegian Parliament pledged May 26 that the government’s public procurement policy will be deforestation-free. (emphasis added)

Any product that contributes to deforestation will not be used in the Scandinavian country. The pledge was recommended by Norwegian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Energy and Environment as part of the Action Plan on Nature DiversityRainforest Foundation Norway was the main lobbying power behind this recommendation and has worked for years to bring the pledge to existence.

“This is an important victory in the fight to protect the rainforest,” Nils Hermann Ranum, head of policy and campaign at Rainforest Foundation Norway said in a statement. “Over the last few years, a number of companies have committed to cease the procurement of goods that can be linked to destruction of the rainforest. Until now, this has not been matched by similar commitments from governments. Thus, it is highly positive that the Norwegian state is now following suit and making the same demands when it comes to public procurements.”

Norway’s action plan also includes a request […]

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E.P.A. to Eliminate Office That Advises Agency Chief on Science

Stephan:  At a time when anyone with an IQ bigger than their shoe size should know by now that human activity is causing the climate change that threatens civilization, Trump and the Republicans are not only ignoring the facts, they are actively trying to hide them. It is a very weird position since that doesn't make facts and the processes they describe go away. It just leaves a country unprepared. All this climate denial, of course, is part of the wealth inequity crisis that is threatening American social stability. The facts are being ignored and hidden in order for a small group of already rich people to get richer.

WASHINGTON — The Environmental Protection Agency plans to dissolve its Office of the Science Advisor, a senior post that was created to counsel the E.P.A. administrator on the scientific research underpinning health and environmental regulations, according to a person familiar with the agency’s plans. The person spoke anonymously because the decision had not yet been made public.

The science adviser works across the agency to ensure that the highest quality science is integrated into the agency’s policies and decisions, according to the E.P.A.’s website. The move is the latest among several steps taken by the Trump administration that appear to have diminished the role of scientific research in policymaking while the administration pursues an agenda of rolling back regulations.

Asked about the E.P.A.’s plans, John Konkus, a spokesman for the agency, emailed a prepared statement from the science adviser, Jennifer Orme-Zavaleta, in which she described the decision to dissolve the office as one that would “combine offices with similar functions” and “eliminate redundancies.”

In an email, Dr. Orme-Zavaleta referred questions to the E.P.A.’s public affairs office.

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5 People Died From Eating Lettuce, But Trump’s FDA Still Won’t Make Farms Test Water For Bacteria

Stephan:  The debasement of the regulatory agencies of the U.S. government is resulting in illness and deaths. It doesn't get a lot of coverage but it is happening, and ordinary Americans are suffering as a result.

Lettuce farm
Paul Sakuma/AP

William Whitt suffered violent diarrhea for days. But once he began vomiting blood, he knew it was time to rush to the hospital. His body swelled up so much that his wife thought he looked like the Michelin Man, and on the inside, his intestines were inflamed and bleeding.

For four days last spring, doctors struggled to control the infection that was ravaging Whitt, a father of three in western Idaho. The pain was excruciating, even though he was given opioid painkillers intravenously every 10 minutes for days.

His family feared they would lose him.

“I was terrified. I wouldn’t leave the hospital because I wasn’t sure he was still going to be there when I got back,” said Whitt’s wife, Melinda.

Whitt and his family were baffled: How could a healthy 37-year-old suddenly get so sick? While he was fighting for […]

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Brett Kavanaugh’s Hearing Is An Unprecedented Drama For Both Court And Country

Stephan:  Today we witnessed one of the most humiliating moments in American history. As I watched the Kavanaugh circus, I can't really call it a hearing, or a judicial process, all I could think about was if it is this scummy to me as an American, what must it look like to someone from another country? I think it was so bad the Republicans may have miscalculated and this spectacle may change the outcome of the election, to their loss. To my mind, what this is really all about is the transformation that is going on in American society, a transformation in which women are emerging for their historical subordinate position, and demanding equality. About a third of the country is horrified and resentful about that evolution. and prepared to do anything however shameful to stop it.  Once again, it all comes down to November's election.

Credit: Congressional Quarterly/Getty

As the battle over Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation reaches its climax, the cascading emergence of seemingly credible charges of attempted rape, indecent exposure and other forms of sexual misconduct by the nominee has ignited a volatile mix of personal biography, judicial philosophy and national politics.

The nation has certainly witnessed dramatic confirmation controversies before, but none has so explosively churned the political and the personal precisely at the nexus of a burgeoning social and cultural movement.

In the last year, the #MeToo movement has brought to the foreground a wide range of issues on which Kavanaugh is likely, given the current composition of the Supreme Court and the nominee’s previously expressed views, to cast a decisive vote if confirmed as a justice. Those issues run the gamut from […]

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Memoirist: Evangelical Purity Movement Sees Women’s Bodies As A ‘Threat’

Stephan:  This is the home truth of the American White christofascist community. When your worldview is based on iron age values, I suppose it is not surprising, but that doesn't make it any less alarming. In my view, this is what is behind the Republican efforts to put Kavanaugh on the high court. This is what Roe v Wade is really about in their eyes. Uppity women who want equality, and to control their own bodies.

White evangelicals
Credit: Michael S. Williamson

When Linda Kay Klein was 13, she joined an evangelical church that prized sexual “purity” and taught that men and boys were sexually weak.

According to Klein’s faith, girls and women were responsible for keeping male sexual desire in check by wearing modest clothing, maintaining a sexless mind and body and taking a “purity pledge,” in which they promised to remain virgins until marriage.

Looking back now, Klein says, “It was all about how [a woman] needed to be a good Christian by protecting them from the threat that is you — the threat that is your body. The threat that is your sexuality.”

Klein says the central tenet of the purity movement is to delay the age at which young people first have sex. But in practice, she says, the movement is most effective at stifling women’s sexuality and creating a “deep, long-lasting shame” among its practitioners.

Because she was a curvy teen, Klein was often chastised for not being modest enough. Even after leaving the church […]

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