Davos security guards
Credit: Jeff Stein/Washington Post

Imagine you had complete control of the U.S. government: What one thing would you do to reduce the country’s staggering economic inequality?

It’s no small task: The 400 richest Americans control more wealth than the poorest 80 million households, and as the richest citizens continue to capture the lion’s share of new wealth — the top 5 percent has captured 74 percent of the wealth created in this country since 1982 — the situation is only growing more extreme.

But while there’s consensus that America is a wildly unequal country, there’s broad disagreement on what, if anything, should be done to address that. That’s certainly true in Congress, where disagreement and deadlock have consigned meaningful action on inequality to the realm of the hypothetical.

That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t ask what could happen. And in that spirit, we asked experts from across the ideological spectrum what they would do to address inequality if they were king (or queen) for a day.

Their ideas included a sovereign wealth fund for all Americans, […]

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