Donald Trump and Xi Jinping

Earlier this year Donald Trump received a personal letter urging him not to withdraw the US from the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change.

If the US pulled out, the letter said, it would lose a seat at discussions and could not make a case for “the most cost-effective greenhouse gas reduction options”.

Another voice in his ear said the US would weaken its own hand by “basically uninviting itself” from a number of negotiating tables.

 Those urging Mr Trump to stick with the agreement made by Barack Obama were not long-haired greenies or earnest activists. Rather, they were the chief executives of ExxonMobil, the world’s largest listed oil company, and Royal Dutch Shell. For they see the danger of the world’s most powerful nation not being present. Trump, apparently does not.

During his election campaign, the Republican candidate dismissed climate change science as a “hoax” and suggested it had been invented by the Chinese.

Having got it in the ear last week from G7 leaders urging him to stick with […]

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