President Recep Erdogan of Turkey is converting his country from a tolerant democracy to a religious police state.

President Recep Erdogan of Turkey is converting his country from a tolerant democracy to a religious police state.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is taking advantage of last week’s failed coup to consolidate his power. As the country slides into a dictatorship, there is a lot at stake for the West. But the effects in Turkey itself promise to be far greater. 

The sun is setting over Ankara and people are pouring out of the subway onto Kizilay Square in the heart of the Turkish capital. They are waving flags and chanting: “God is great!” and “Death to the traitors!”

In a café located 100 meters (328 feet) away, Esra Can is quickly cramming her cigarettes and smartphone into her purse, rushing to make it back to her apartment before the demonstration in support of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gets going. “The mob on the street is unpredictable,” she says.

Can, a petite 30-year-old with brown curly hair and […]

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