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Credit: Shutterstock

Ever since the rise of the Tea Party, the Republican Party has developed an allergy to science – especially any science related to climate or environmental protection. They have been called the “Anti-Science Party” and “Luddites,” even by prominent members of their own party. Lately, they have even trumpeted that “they are not scientists,” apparently in a tortured attempt to glorify their ignorance.

Rivaling their allergy to science is their disdain for federal agencies that use science to make rules they don’t like, based on science – the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, the US Department of Agriculture, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Bureau of Land Management – and just about anything that represents “big government.” So the rise of a Republican campaign that represents the exact opposite of their professed ideology is worth taking note of.

Whether or not GMOs are safe is strictly a scientific issue, but labeling is much more than that.

The “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act” (which should win an […]

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