The Chinese Academy of Sciences recently hosted a small workshop on devices that are used to measure ocean temperatures.  Credit: Corbis/Zhang Jiansong

The Chinese Academy of Sciences recently hosted a small workshop on devices that are used to measure ocean temperatures.
Credit: Corbis/Zhang Jiansong

This article is about the future landscape of science in general, and climate science in particular.

Just a few days ago, the Chinese Academy of Sciences hosted a small workshop which involved scientists from around the world that work on a device called the Expendable Bathythermograph, or XBT for short. The obscurity of the conference speaks volumes; it didn’t get much, if any, press attention. This fact tells a lot about the host nation.

XBTs are devices that are used to measure ocean temperatures. They were developed many decades ago to help navies determine the depth of the thermocline. Submarines positioned below the thermocline are more able to avoid detection. The devices are released from the deck of a ship and they fall through the water, recording temperatures along the way. As […]

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