Author and Time magazine conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer said earlier this week the belief in global climate change is a mere ‘superstition” akin to the ‘rain dance of Native Americans.”
Talking Points Memo reported on Krauthammer’s Tuesday appearance on the Fox News program ‘Special Report,” in which he said, ‘It’s always a result of what is ultimately what we’re talking about here, human sin with pollution of carbon. It’s the oldest superstition around. It was in the Old Testament, it’s in the rain dance of Native Americans – if you sin, the skies will not cooperate.”
The right-leaning pundit also attempted to cast doubt on Tuesday’s White House report stating that catastrophic climate change is already underway it the U.S. by claiming that scientists don’t really know yet if the phenomenon is real or not.
‘Ninety-nine percent of physicists were convinced that space and time are fixed, until Einstein working in a patent office wrote a paper in which he showed that they are not,” Krauthammer said. ‘I’m not impressed by numbers, I’m not impressed by consensus.”
According to research by NASA, 97 percent of climate scientists agree that the climate is steadily warming and that the pattern is due to human activities that […]