WASHINGTON, D.C. — Mississippi had the highest obesity rate in the U.S. in 2013, at 35.4%, while Montana has the lowest rate, at 19.6%. The obesity rate has generally increased across the U.S. each year since 2008.

Ten States With Highest Obesity Rates Ten States With Lowest Obesity Rates

From 2010 through 2012, West Virginia maintained the highest obesity rate nationwide while Colorado had the lowest. Five states — Mississippi, West Virginia, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Kentucky — have been listed among the 10 states with the highest obesity rates in the nation since 2008. Colorado, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and California have routinely been states with lower levels of obesity — all four have made the list of the 10 states with the lowest obesity rates in the nation each year since 2008.
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The national obesity rate, as computed by respondents’ self-reported height and weight in the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, has increased to 27.1% from 26.2% in 2012, and is up 1.6 percentage points from 25.5% in 2008, Gallup’s initial year of tracking. Americans who have a BMI of 30 or higher are classified as obese.

More than two in 10 adults were obese in nearly every state in 2013, with […]

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