NBC News and sister cable network MSNBC rank at the bottom of media outlets Americans trust most for news, with Fox News leading the way, according to a new poll from the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling.

In its fifth trust poll, 35 percent said they trusted Fox news more than any other outlet, followed by PBS at 14 percent, ABC at 11 percent, CNN at 10 percent, CBS at 9 percent, 6 percent for MSNBC and Comedy Central, and just 3 percent for NBC.

The pollster said Fox won because Republicans are devoted to it. ‘It leads the way because of its continuing near total support among Republicans as the place to go for news- 69 percent of Republicans say it’s their most trusted source with nothing else polling above 7 percent,” said PPP.

The pollster also tested voter attitudes on Fox star Bill O’Reilly, who is set to conduct the annual Super Bowl interview with President Obama, and Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert. PPP said that in a presidential match, O’Reilly would beat Colbert 38 percent to 35 percent.

What’s more, O’Reilly had a better favorability rating than any of the potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates.

The poll also asked which news team was […]

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