Monday, November 4th, 2013
Stephan: I had a conversation at the gym the other day with a man I have gotten to know, because we both go at night, when hardly anyone else is there. He is a teabagger and he went on and on about how Obama is trying to 'turn American into a European socialist country. He particularly dislikes Scandanavia because of its social safety network. 'You don't see any billionaires in Sweden do you?' he asked me. 'No you don't' he said answering his own question. 'In those socialist countries they don't like God and there is no initiative.' He believes this passionately, and the one or two times I have talked with him when friends are with him it's clear his views are mirrored by those he knows. So I went looking for something that specifically addresses this issue, and here is what I've found.
What I discovered put the lie to everything teabaggers believe but, more than that, it shows that it is possible to have universal healthcare, childcare, maternal and paternal paid leave, free or modestly priced university education and a host of other things that define Sweden and whose absence defines the United States. It should give us pause that the Swedes can manage this, and we cannot.
America is a land of billionaires, boasting five of the 10 richest people on the planet as of the most recent Forbes 500 list. Then again, we’re a large country, and in per capita terms, we lag behind several smaller states. Many of these-like world leader Monaco (No. 1 per capita, with three billionaires in a population of 35,427)-are true micro-nations, or else they’re St. Kitts and Nevis (No. 2, one billionaire, population 53,051): more of a vacation destination for the rich and less a place where people actually go to earn a fortune. But one country stands out on the list: Sweden (No. 12, 14 billionaires, population 9.56 million).
Matthew Yglesias Matthew Yglesias
No single Swede comes close to the epic wealth of a Bill Gates or a Warren Buffett. But Stefan Persson, the chairman, main shareholder, and former longtime CEO of H&M, leads a roster of Swedish billionaires who outpace the U.S. (No. 14) on a per capita basis. In part this is just a bit of a funny coincidence-it’s a fairly small country, after all-but the fact that a famously left-wing country like Sweden can be so rich in billionaires is telling and important.
That’s because a billionaire isn’t […]