Despite a defeat in District Court last week, the Catholic Bishops and their conservative Protestant allies are forging ahead with lawsuits against Obama’s health care reforms. Their goal? To ensure that American health options are dictated by religion rather than medical science. With an infallible pope and an inerrant Bible as guides, they are convinced that they know what God wants.


Obviously, not all Christians agree. The contraceptive mandate is a problem for the patriarchy only because most Christians have their own deeply personal understanding of God’s will and they want to live in accord with that understanding. In other words, the contraceptive mandate is an issue for the Bishops and their allies only because it is a non-issue for most lay Christians.

Then again, if they could, some Church leaders would do away with much more than the contraceptive mandate. Christian Science theologians teach that God’s will excludes most of science-based medicine because prayer alone should suffice. In fact, they have tried to get the services of ‘prayer practitioners

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