A new University of Washington survey shows that whites who are strong supporters of the tea party are apparently less committed to freedom and equality than those who oppose or are unenthusiastic about the movement. ‘Our survey suggests that among tea partiers, there’s less dedication to certain civil liberties, said Christopher S. Parker, a UW assistant professor of political science who leads the 2010 Multi-State Survey of Race & Politics. It examines what Americans, including supporters of the tea party, think about race, public policy, national politics and President Barack Obama. Among whites who strongly support the tea party, 60 percent agreed that America ‘has gone too far in pushing equal rights. By comparison, only 23 percent of white tea party opponents agreed with that statement. Additionally: ¢ 94 percent of tea party opponents said American society ‘should do whatever is necessary to ensure equal opportunity. Of all whites polled for the survey, 79 percent agreed with that statement. Tea party supporters agreed less. Sixty-four percent said America should do whatever’s necessary. ¢ 72 percent of tea party opponents concur that ‘we don’t give everyone an equal chance in this country. By comparison, 55 percent of all […]

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