Around the world Saturday, environmental activists touted the number ‘350’ as a way to recognize the seriousness of global climate change. It’s not a secret code. The number refers to the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere – meeting a goal of 350 parts per million (ppm), which is considerably less than the current level of 387 ppm. The ‘International Day of Climate Action’ includes more than 4,500 events in 173 countries. Everything from skiers in New Zealand spelling out ‘350’ on a snowy slope to a mass bike ride in Canada to tree planting in Ghana. Here’s an interactive map of the day’s activities. ‘It seems far-fetched that you could get this many people to rally around a scientific data point, but the number just keeps climbing,’ says Bill McKibben, author, activist, and founder of 350.0rg. ‘It shows just how scared of global warming much of the planet really is, and how fed up at the inaction of our leaders.’ Environmentalists see today’s events as a call to action – in the US Congress and at the United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, in December. ‘The Arctic is already melting, sea level […]

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