The big profits made by some of Wall Street’s leading banks are ‘hidden gifts’ from the state, and taxpayer resentment of such companies is ‘justified,’ George Soros, the fund manager, said in an interview with the Financial Times. ‘Those earnings are not the achievement of risk-takers,’ Mr Soros said. ‘These are gifts, hidden gifts, from the government, so I don’t think that those monies should be used to pay bonuses. There’s a resentment which I think is justified.’ Mr Soros, who joins a transatlantic chorus calling for limits on risk, leverage and compensation at big banks, said proprietary traders belong at hedge funds, not at banks, and that the compensation at Wall Street companies should be limited to prevent excessive risk. ‘With the too-big-to-fail concept comes a need to regulate the payments that employees receive,’ said Mr Soros, who will elaborate on his views in lectures in Budapest next week. Some bankers have argued that limits on pay would make it difficult for them to retain their most talented risk-takers. Mr Soros agreed and said this would be a good thing. ‘That would push the risk-takers who are good at taking risks out of Goldman […]

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