If you want a good glimpse of the multiracial experience in America, get inside Louie Gong’s skin. ‘I’m Nooksack, I’m Chinese, I’m French and I’m Scottish,’ Gong tells viewers of a multimedia piece he placed on YouTube to help spark discussion of multiracial issues. ‘… When I was a kid, I drank my Ovaltine with real milk, and my cousins and I liked our fried rice with salmon.’ At the same time that the nation’s growing diversity and changing social attitudes are helping to swell the ranks of multiracial Americans at 10 times the rate of the white population, the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama, son of a black man and a white woman, has brought new attention, curiosity and discussion to their experiences. Obama has faced an endless barrage of questions anchored to issues of race and class, from his ties to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright to whether, in his own words, he is ‘too black’ or ‘not black enough.’ As Gut Check America engaged msnbc.com readers in this re-emerging national conversation on race, it became clear that multiracial Americans offered unique perspectives on the topic and that the nation is far from entering a ‘post-race’ […]

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