Water, the precious drop is the lifeline of human lives. Human civilization gets sustenance from it. We plan our cities near water. Economies are built on water resources. Our lives would have been impossible without the presence of water that surrounds us. Water is essential for life. Yet millions of people around the world suffer from a daily struggle to secure safe water for their basic needs. Children continue to die every year from preventable water-borne diseases. Women and girls are the worst victims of water shortage and lack of access to basic sanitation. The WHO estimates that each year more than 1 billion people have little choice but to resort to harmful sources of water. This perpetuates a silent humanitarian crisis that locks billions of people in a cycle of poverty and disease. Agriculture is the main source of the world’s food supply and the prime source of livelihood for billions of people in rural areas. Irrigation for agriculture consumes large quantity of freshwater leading in many areas to water scarcity. By 2025, the global loss in food production due to water shortage is expected to be in the tune of 350 million metric […]

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