Media Titan Rupert Murdoch had a daughter when he was 72. Actor Tony Randall became a dad for the first time at 77. When the average life expectancy of the American male was a few months shy of 78, Nobel Prize-winning writer Saul Bellow fathered a kid at 84. Long after a woman’s biological clock stops ticking, most men can still father children. Yet many men say it’s not just women who worry that they are too old to have kids. The physiology might allow for septuagenarians to bounce their beloved bundles on their arthritic knees, but the psychology suggests there is an age to stop bringing another baby on board. Men having children past 40 is generally not a good idea, says Chris Mason, 46, of Danville. The father of three daughters by the time he was in his 30s, Mason says that he wouldn’t consider having a fourth child, even if something were to happen to his wife. ‘When your kids are young, you want to be out on the soccer field running, actually practicing with them,’ says Mason, the co-owner of a firm that out-sources sales. ‘But you get to a point where you […]

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