The Effects of Joy and Gratitude


It seems fitting to reflect on some of what science has to say about gratitude, which has been called the ‘forgotten factor’ in happiness research. Psychologists Robert Emmons at the University of California at Davis, and Michael McCullough, at the University of Miami, are foremost researchers in field of gratitude. What they have learned so far is that gratitude is good for you, really good for you. In an experimental comparison, people who kept gratitude journals on a weekly basis exercised more regularly, reported fewer physical symptoms, felt better about their lives as a whole, and were more optimistic about the upcoming week compared to those who recorded hassles or neutral life events (Emmons & McCullough, 2003). It doesn’t end there. Participants who kept gratitude lists were more likely to have made progress toward important personal goals (academic, interpersonal and health-based). And there’s more. Young adults who practice a daily gratitude intervention (self-guided exercises) had higher levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, attentiveness and energy compared to the group that focused on hassles or thinking of how they were better off than others. The researchers keep adding to the list benefits that come from practicing gratitude. Researchers […]

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China Fears Disasters, Grain Cut From Global Warming


BEIJING — Global warming threatens to intensify natural disasters and water shortages across China, driving down the country’s food output, the Chinese government has warned, even as its seeks to tame energy consumption. A forthcoming official assessment of the effects of global climate change on China will warn of worsening drought in northern China and increasing ‘extreme weather events’, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology’s Web site ( on Wednesday. A deputy director of the National Climate Center, Luo Yong, was blunt about the risks for China’s food production. ‘The most direct impact of climate change will be on China’s grain production,’ he said on Tuesday, according to the Science Times newspaper. ‘Climate change will bring intensified pressure on our country’s agriculture and grain production.’ The official report promises to stir debate about whether and how China can balance its ambitious goals for economic growth with steps to rein in rising greenhouse gas emissions from industry and cars, which keep heat in the atmosphere and threaten to dramatically increase the planet’s average temperatures. Scientists have been uncertain about the effects of rising global temperatures on China’s farming, unsure whether greater average rainfall […]

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Pot is Called Biggest Cash Crop

Stephan:  The absurdity of U.S. drug policies, like so many things in our government that are driven by pandering to special interest groups, rather than common sense and good governance, becomes increasingly surreal.

SACRAMENTO – For years, activists in the marijuana legalization movement have claimed that cannabis is America’s biggest cash crop. Now they’re citing government statistics to prove it. A report released today by a marijuana public policy analyst contends that the market value of pot produced in the U.S. exceeds $35 billion – far more than the crop value of such heartland staples as corn, soybeans and hay, which are the top three legal cash crops. California is responsible for more than a third of the cannabis harvest, with an estimated production of $13.8 billion that exceeds the value of the state’s grapes, vegetables and hay combined – and marijuana is the top cash crop in a dozen states, the report states. The report estimates that marijuana production has increased tenfold in the past quarter century despite an exhaustive anti-drug effort by law enforcement. Jon Gettman, the report’s author, is a public policy consultant and leading proponent of the push to drop marijuana from the federal list of hard-core Schedule 1 drugs – which are deemed to have no medicinal value and a high likelihood of abuse – such as heroin and LSD. He argues that […]

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Baker Sought to Cover-up Illegal Trade with Saddam’s Iraq, Israeli Charges

Stephan:  If this proves to be true, and I would bet that it will, as citizens we really do have to ask ourselves whether any level of unethical behavior is unacceptable for public service.

Former Secretary of State James Baker was involved in a cover-up of illegal trading by his law firm with the regime of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, according to a former contractor who did work for Mr. Baker’s firm. Mr. Baker used non-Americans to help acquire funds from Iraq in violation of the United Nations embargo and U.S. law, the former contractor said. Nir Gouaz, an Israeli security veteran, said that in 1999 Mr. Baker’s leading deputy at the law firm of Baker Botts ordered him to destroy all documents that detailed how he obtained from Iraq more than $250 million for a client. Mr. Baker’s firm has denied Mr. Gouaz’s account. But the Israeli said he has documents that could destroy Mr. Baker’s reputation. He said he has been angered by Mr. Baker’s attempt to press the Bush administration to impose an anti-Israeli policy in an attempt to win Arab cooperation to help stabilize Iraq. Mr. Baker, appointed by President Bush in 2003 as his envoy to recover debts from Iraq, has also co-chaired the Iraq Study Group, which on Dec. 6 issued 79 recommendations on U.S. policy in Iraq. ‘When I heard the Baker […]

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Bird Flu Kills Woman in Egypt, Infects Family Members

Stephan:  If this is the mutation everyone has feared estimates are that as many as 62 million may die in the next two years.

Bird flu killed a woman in northern Egypt as authorities attempt to eradicate the lethal virus that infected two other members of the woman’s family. The infection killed a teenage girl in Cairo, Agence France-Presse reported. The woman from Zifta, in the northern province of Gharbia, had been in contact with infected poultry, Egypt’s Ministry of Health said in a statement on its Web site today. Fowl kept by the family and neighbors have been culled, and people in contact with the birds are being tested, the ministry said in a separate statement on Dec. 24. A 15-year-old girl died from the H5N1 strain of avian flu in a Cairo hospital, AFP reported yesterday. She was transferred from a hospital in the Nile delta province of Garbiya, where she was admitted Dec. 20, AFP said. World health experts are trying to control the H5N1 virus, which risks infecting humans and mutating to become more contagious. A virus that spreads among people as easily as seasonal flu could spark a deadly pandemic capable of killing millions of people, health authorities have said. The H5N1 strain is known to have infected 258 people in 10 countries during the […]

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