LOS ANGELES — California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has proposed nearly $95 million in state spending on ‘clean’ energy, biotech and nanotech research, the governor’s office said on Wednesday. Much of the proposal — $40 million — would be spent only if California universities win a $500 million grant for research from oil giant BP to develop alternatives to fossil fuels. Lease revenue bonds would be used to fund $70 million of the proposals, including the $40 million to chase the BP grant. The proposed spending will be part of Schwarzenegger’s state budget plan which will be presented in January to the state legislature. Schwarzenegger is recuperating from surgery performed on Tuesday for a broken right femur. He was injured while on a skiing holiday on Saturday with his family in Sun Valley, Idaho. Schwarzenegger three months ago signed a landmark global warming law to make California the first U.S. state to mandate cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent, which would be 1990 levels. Four projects are center in the proposals. They are: — Lease revenue bonds totaling $40 million if BP picks either the University of California-Berkeley or the University of California-San […]

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