BEIJING — Wal-Mart workers in China have set up unions at all 62 outlets that the world’s biggest retailer operates here in what a senior Chinese trade union official described Thursday as a breakthrough for organized labor. After overcoming stiff resistance from Wal-Mart, which has long fought to bar unions from its stores and distribution centers, the official All China Federation of Trade Unions now plans to focus on other companies in China it accuses of being traditionally hostile to unions, including Foxconn Electronics, Eastman Kodak and Dell. Guo Wencai, a senior ACFTU organizer, told a press conference in Beijing that the success in unionizing Wal-Mart stores would be a springboard to similar campaigns aimed at these companies and others in China. ‘We are going to exert very high pressure on all these types of companies until unions are established there,’ Guo said. ‘It is an irreversible trend.’ Guo said that the authorities would concentrate on high-profile foreign companies in densely populated areas. Companies that had a history of opposing unions would also be a top priority. In the Tianjin Development Zone, trade union branches are now established […]

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