The List: Powerful Media Moguls Rupert Murdoch, Richard Branson, and Oprah Winfrey are some of the most powerful media moguls in the world. They may be household names, but they’re not alone. Armed with new technology and emerging markets, a new crop of media titans is increasingly changing what the world watches, reads, and hears. In this week’s List, FP singles out a few of these moguls in the making. Subhash Chandra Who: Chairman of India’s Zee Telefilms Ltd. and the Essel Group Controls: Nearly two dozen television channels, a film animation studio, and a major newspaper, reaching an audience of 350 million in more than 120 countries Credentials: Named the ‘Global Indian Entertainment Personality of the Year’ in 2004, Chandra owns the largest media and entertainment company in India’s notoriously fractured media market. He’s racked up a number of impressive ‘firsts,’ including India’s first private broadcast satellite and the country’s first 24-hour news channel. Next move: Zee recently signed a two-year contract with China Central Television to share news, documentary, and feature programming between the two growing countries, adding perhaps hundreds of millions of new viewers to his audience share. Gustavo […]

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